CyberHub Network PT Challenge

4 min readApr 2, 2024


ok wlc everyone i hope you find this writeup helpful
soo lets go hunting some flags 👻

in the first the give us virtual machine to be this challenge locale
like this

but here we have (Ubuntu) Server

lets start expline from 0

first we have .ova
.ova = Open Virtual Appliance (Virtual Machine Disk Image)
soo just drop it in vmware

and but any name you want then just run it

when you run it

ok leave him lets start real work ;)

now we have 2 machine work
our machine kali and the victim shuld be this (Ubuntu) Server
both of them in same netowrk that why i say LOCALE

soo to know the ip for victim we well descover our network

to know who with us

you can $netdiscover
or $⁠nmap -sn subnet
or what i do nmap for full range
first let get the ip for network = $ ip a
NOTE !!!
There are many ways to solve it, so do what you want

soo here our ip
to scan full range replacy 164 with 0
i well use nmap
you well find like && && &&

in our case i find the ip and the are 2 ports open

soo lets get more Details

nmap -sV -A -p 80 and 22

you can go search for exploit for them but in this case i well go to http check him

the are little code php
the are parametr g,p,h

lets move this to burp = i find command inj

/?g=system&p=“here you command ”

soo from here we can do revers shell and done
but the are another way lets play

ok we have here database.php and the index.php
lets see what inside database.php


ok this is the second solve we get username
or you can in same web show_source

anyway we get the user its is = auditor

little trick you can do = ?g=system&p=ls%20/home to get the user
soo now we have user name
we can brute force ssh by this user

hydra -f -l user -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt $IP -t 4 ssh

soo we get username and passwd forr ssh

soo we get user flag Done lets get root
now we need privilege escalation

first lets check sudo version

no exploit for him now
lets see what we can do like root

ok nice we can run find like root

to get the root i well use

sudo find . -exec /bin/sh \; -quit

soo we get the root lets get the flag



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